It’s been a while since I’ve talked about Chronotopia, isn’t it? I must admit it’s hard to keep the devblog up to date when I’m doing so many things at the same time. Plus, monthly Kickstarter updates work in a very similar fashion so it feels like repeating the same things twice. I’m starting to think I should make posts about specific themes. It would be more interesting that way, don’t you think?
Category Archives: Gamedev
Post-mortem of Ambre’s Steam Edition
I hope you had a good holiday! As for me, I must say I haven’t really had the chance to rest. But I wanted to go back over the big odyssey that was my recent experience with Steam. I unfortunately cannot go into detail but I still hope it will be useful one way or another.
Princes and princesses
Yes, the team is still alive. Here is the proof with some news!

Don’t be too sad, Ambre: the game will definitely come out!
Ambre comes to Greenlight (and Chronotopia’s progress continue)!
Once again, time goes by all too quickly! So here are some news of what’s the team is doing.
2016 review & 2017 plans
Happy holidays to all of our fans! As in previous years, I’m looking back to all of our activities in order to close a new chapter and move forward.
2016, play with the big boys…
2016 is a special year for us because it’s our first year as a full-fledged visual novel creating company, which implies some changes. Overall, we had to integrate quite a few formalities (the joy of doing paperwork) and it wasn’t always that easy!
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The creation of Chronotopia: making the sprites
(We’re funded at 75% and Chronotopia has been greenlit! There’s only 3 days to raise funds and make this project a reality so it’s now or never to support us!)
After PyriteKite/Kat, it’s Anako‘s turn to talk about her work. And she has quite a lot since she’s doing both the sprites and the event CG! I highly suggest checking out her DeviantArt account or following her on Facebook/Tumblr because she posts very pretty things~
The creation of Chronotopia: background art
(We’re 60% funded! That’s one step closer to our dream but there’s still a long way to go so keep on supporting us on Kickstarter and Greenlight!)
After writing two articles on Chronotopia‘s story (namely the concept and the characters), I’m making way for PyriteKite/Kat to explain her part of the work: backgrounds art. She’s very talented so check out her DeviantArt account~
* Note: I use Adobe Photoshop CS6 for creating backgrounds and take about a week to complete one depending on complexity.
The creation of Chronotopia: the characters
Last time I talked about how I came with Chronotopia’s concept, this time I will explain how I selected Donkeyskin as the fairytale I was going to rewrite.
Beware, it is strongly advised that you’ve played the demo beforehand not to spoil the surprise and to understand better what follows. If it’s not the case yet, I warmly recommend that you go take a look!
The creation of Chronotopia: concept
It’s been a week since Chronotopia’s launch on Kickstarter and we’ve already reached 3 000€! It’s the perfect timing to come back to how the demo was made and evoke the content that’s planned for the full game. And as a good leader should set an example, I’m starting with my part: the writing!
Beware, it is strongly advised that you’ve played the demo beforehand not to spoil the surprise and to better understand what follows. If it’s not the case yet, I warmly recommend that you go take a look!
Before making your big visual novel: Learn to make yourself useful
A few years ago, I tried to make articles about how to create visual novel, for those who would need advices. In the meantime, many things changed: not only did I gain experience but the market itself evolved a lot. It became, probably not more difficult, but way more disheartening for newcomers. So, with several releases under my belt, I want to take the pen again to make some kind of guide, one that I hope will be complete and up to date. But before that, let’s start with a preliminary step that tend to be forgotten.