Following our 2014 report, which says we did LOTS of stuff, the Träumendes Mädchen team won’t stop just now. So what do we plan to do in 2015?
(To celebrate the end of the year, here are some fanarts!)

A lovely Freyja (by Melow)
To begin with, slow down a bit X). I think it isn’t healthy to produce four games a year, not only does it lead to irrealistic expectations, but it also push the teammates to exhaust themselves. We can hardly beat 2014 record in terms of productivity anyway and I don’t want anyone to drown in a coffe’s cup (would be a fitting death but no).
We’re going to stay with basis : our top priority is to finish Milk Episode 4 first. If the work with sprites and chibis is almost done and I’m hoping we’ll be able to finish the CGs real soon (why did I write action scenes again?), I’m worried about the backgrounds. Indeed artists who can handle BGs aren’t legion and we’re missing the colouring phase. Would be galling to get stuck now so I’m hoping luck will smile at us once again ! Episode 4 should be ready in 2015, what remains unknown is when. Will it be at the beginning or at the end of the year…

Aluwo as a bisho (still by Melow)
That being said, I still want to make another short project in the following months. In fact, a specific idea haunts me (writing a story with lots of choices…moral choices) and I really want to make it. So I’m wondering about dragging the whole team with me to enter next Ludum Dare. Needless to say that if we enter a game jam in April, we won’t be doing Nanoreno in March. To be continued…
Some of you may be wondering if we gonna take part in next Japan Expo convention. Well, the answer will depend on you! Since we’re a team of hobbyists, we don’t have a big budget and we’re paying transports/accomodation cost out of our own pocket. We’re enthusiasts and we want to be sure we’re going to make you happy. So I gonna circulate a survey to know if some people are interested in last time hard copies (if we need to reprint some) and if some people are interested in new goodies. Depending on what answers we got (as well as the numbers of answers we got), we’ll be able to see more clearly into it. Of course, most international people won’t be able to attend a French convention, but please do let a comment (here or through social networks) if you’re interested in mail-order. I can’t garantee anything for now but we might be able to open an online store in the future.
Beyond Japan Expo, I think it’s reasonable to make progress with Milk Episode 5. I really hope this part will be available before the end of the year because it’s urgent to finish the common route once and for all. Or else we’ll still be making the rest 10 years from now and that doesn’t sound that tempting to me =(.

Miruku (by Clua *_*)
2015 will be more relaxed…maybe?
To conclude, 2015 should be less hectic than 2014…should be. Because, as I said, we’re not immune to surprises ~ You know me, I can’t stop myself.
I can’t reach expos and have no interest in hard copies,sorry >. 2 Games per year is already a lot,so I don’t know if it’ll fit..
Happy new year!
It’s okay, “no” is a valid answer ;).
Well, it depends on the scope of the game. A Ludum Dare game would be made during a weekend only, it’s tiring but it won’t exhaust the team for the whole year. But yeah, we’ll see XD.
Happy New Year to you o/
Edit : Sorry for not noticing your comment got cut X’)
Well, we already have posters, pin-badges, bookmarks and music albums. So, I don’t know, we can still do postcards or just try other designs if people want a specific character or game. I was thinking of an artbook too (not a « full color » illustrations type though, I’d rather start small XD). As for the shipping fees, I agree that it is complicated but not unfeasible: for the giveaway I sent the winner a whole set and I had to pay around 10€ (and I went for the cheaper way because it would have been way more expensive otherwise…), if you want an estimation.
But yeah, don’t worry, I’d rather focus all my energy on producing content, I wouldn’t offer more if I couldn’t handle it ;).
But I’m always going wild with writing and that’s the problem 8D. Joke aside, the mysterious HVNCML game idea was more of the depressing kind, ahah. I did try my hand at doing a more horrific game with Garden of Oblivion but I feel I didn’t go all the way out (it was done in a weekend after all). I may already have a similar idea…
I confess I find the horror genre very tricky since everything has already been done before. And I’m more into the psychological stuff: for example, I love seeing characters lose all sanity because I’m torturing them too much…poor them X’D.
Go play The Madness if you’d like an horror VN BTW, it’s just the best, I’m a big fan *__*
Happy New Year!! I hope every project you guys are into comes true! XD
ps. I’m still mad that I never found my white pen to make her eyes glitter :_:
Aww, thank you very much :3. BTW, did you see one of my last Tumblr post? I took a picture of the Christmas presents I gave my BF, I thought you may like to see gifts with your wrapping paper on it =).
Oh, you lost your white pen? I hope those things aren’t too expensive (art stuffs always are >_<) Happy New Year to you!
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