Happy New Year, everyone! Did you know that you were currently living in a post-Chronotopia world? I know, it was a bit of a shock for me as well. This deserves another look back on Träumendes Mädchen’s activities.
[Bonus Spotlight] Memory Fragments
Surprise! I wouldn’t want to leave you without one last spotlight. As previously explained: In Chronotopia’s framing device, you incarnate a lost soul who visits Kionna’s world (the fairytales world) in the hope of finding memories of their past life. That’s where you, as a player, have to step in!

If you manage to find all 4 memory fragments, you get a bonus scene~
Chronotopia: Second Skin is now out!
That’s it. After so many years, so much waiting, Chronotopia: Second Skin is now officially released on Steam and itchio! It feels so surreal, it’s hasn’t it me yet.
I want to take some time to thank everyone who’s been with me on this journey, everyone who helped me and cheered for me despite the hardships. And I want to thank everyone who supported the Kickstarter and everyone who showed interested for the game, it truly means the world to me.
I really hope you will enjoy Chronotopia’s story. If so, be sure to leave a review or a comment to share your thoughts about the game. It will help us a lot as we’re a small team and visibility is everything these days.
[Spotlight] Lys, guardian of memories
💜Reminder that the game releases tomorrow!💜
Let’s jump right where we left last time! I was explaining the whole concept behind the purgatory and now we’re finally tackling the cute but intriguing guardian of the place: Lys.
[Spotlight] The ‘Purgatory’
💜 Chronotopia releases in 2 days, are you ready?~ 💜
That’s almost a wrap on Chronotopia’s universe and characters. I’d just like to explore one more thing…which would be the game’s prologue. Why is it taking place in purgatory? What is the link with the rest of the story? Who is truly Lys? It’s high time we solve that mystery~
Chronotopia’s official release date (yes, for real)
It’s been far too long since the last proper blog post. If you have not been following Chronotopia’s Kickstarter updates too closely, you are likely wondering what is going on with development.
2022 review & 2023 plans
Happy New Year, everyone. We are still in January so I suppose I am still vaguely on time. I hope you are ready for yet another look back on Traümendes Mädchen’s activities.
2021 review & 2022 plans
Happy Holidays…with a slight delay. It’s the intent that matters, right? More seriously though, it’s high time to do the traditional look back on Träumendes Mädchen’s activities
2020 review & 2021 plans
Do you remember when I was writing that, unless some disaster happens, there would be no reason for Chronotopia not to come out in 2020? I think the universe is trying to send me a message. Needless to say that the year didn’t go as well as I had hoped…
2019 review & 2020 plans
Happy Holidays to all! As we do every year, I’d like to take some time to look back on Träumendes Mädchen’s activities. If 2017 had been a living hell and 2018 an unexpected rebirth, what did 2019 have in store for us? The answer will surprise you…